Minotaur Animations

We’re almost done with the semester! That means we are the verge of insanity trying to get this game presentation ready. I’ve animated all the motions for our character, but I’ve had MAJOR issues in exporting it properly from Maya as an FBX file and then importing it into Unity.

Once its in Unity as an FBX file, the mesh is there and it detects an animation, but the mesh does not animate. I’ve tried SO many things to fix it. I was almost able to fix it by exporting a re-skinned sample animation of the character as a 2009 FBX version. Doing that made my sample animation viewable in Unity, but I was not able to duplicate what I did to an animation I actually wanted to use for the game. If any one can offer a solution I can provide a more detailed description of the problem.

Any who! Here’s proof that we have him animated. He’s patiently waiting to be put into the game.


UPDATE: Immediately after posting this I solved the problem :). We’ll be updating later with the imported animations into the game.

Minotaur Posed

So this guy has given me SO much trouble. It’s been a while since I’ve rigged a model up, so I have been relearning the whole process along the way. He’s not ready to be put into our game, but I wanted to show you guys what he looks like posed. So here he is!

Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 12.04.39 PM Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 12.04.23 PM

3D Minotaur has a skeleton!

He’s looking good and has a skeleton! Though he is not skinned yet. I was having trouble skinning the character, otherwise he’d be done and animated for the game already. I should have this problem fixed by Tuesday (4/14) though. Once he’s done we’ll apply the MoCap data we recorded a couple weeks ago and put him into the game!

By the end of this week, we will have our Jackalope character completely modeled and rigged.

Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 7.14.00 PM Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 7.14.24 PM

Motion Capture

Last week, Lindsay and I got to work on recording some motion capture data for our character animations. It was a lot of fun and a bit of a work out for Lindsay since she was in the MoCap suit.

We recorded some idle stances, punches, kicks, and special moves. We tried to capture some running data but the space was too small to do any running while being recorded.

With the ability to record any MoCap, we can now have some realistic movements to our characters.

Heres a sneak peak to what we did. I had no idea how to do a screen cast with the computer I was on so I took video with my phone, so please excuse the poor quality.

Headbutt MoCap

Headbutt MoCap

Idle stance MoCap

Kick MoCap

Say hello to the Minotaur!

Here’s our Minotaur character. He hails from the ancient mediterranean lands of Greece. His 3D model should be done by next week and hopefully *fingers crossed* rigged and on his way to animated.


He still needs front and side views sketched out so we can begin modeling, but that should be done in the next few days.

GUI Mock-ups

We’re a little behind schedule and jumping around from our original timeline, but we are making progress!

Fight Screen GUI

Fight Screen GUI

Here’s a mock-up of how a fight will open. The drawn lines are just want I will add do the background, because as you can see there are some missing pieces to the background model when the camera zooms all the way back. I will also go back and adjust the size of the background mountains so more of it is seen.

As far as GUI goes, we still have to settle on a font style and how the game will open up, but thats secondary to 3D models and game play.

Level 1 – “Mediterranean Landscape”

Here is some progress on this level (we’ll call it “Level 1” for now since we don’t have a name for it quite yet). Here I’m just testing out some textures and lighting. I’ve got the general geometry set up, though I might tweak it a bit. Maybe reorganize the space.

Lighting and texturing is NOT in its final state. I just wanted to play around with some looks.


Physical sun and sky lighting.


Physical sun and sky lighting.



Ambient lighting.

WIP 2/24/15 – Alex

So last week I sketched up a really rough idea of what I’d like one of our levels to look like. We still haven’t come up with a real name for it, but it will be the environment for our Minotaur character, so I thought a Mediterranean desert landscape would be suitable.

Mediterranean Level Rough Sketch.

Mediterranean Level Rough Sketch.

Sorry for the very poor quality image. I will update with an actual scan ASAP.

Using Autodesk Maya, we are going for the low-poly aesthetic for our game. Below I’ve added the beginnings to the above mentioned level. This is just the fighting platform (the area where characters will interact). There will be an environment beyond what you see here to fill up the negative space. It’s not just a floating platform with no landscaped background.

by Alex

by Alex

by Alex

by Alex

The texture and lighting in here is definitely not in its finished product.

By next week I hope to have this level almost completely modeled then move onto the next level. Finalizing textures and lighting won’t be for another month and a half.